Jfk reloaded 3.0

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It's also possible, should you hit the driver at the exact right time, to end with the Presidential car embedding itself in a distant wall. Secret Service agent sprints into the back of the car, almost certainly ruining his chances of ever breeding. Presidential car slams into the back of the stopped bystander car. And, of course, there's killing JFK by sniping out the InnocentBystander driving the car ''in front of him'', then scaring JFK's driver with a few rounds, then taking him out just as the car speeds up. * VideoGameCrueltyPotential - The game is generally used simply to see how many people you can slaughter and how much of the rag doll physics you can enjoy. * TooDumbToLive: One can shoot the driver (fatally or not fatally) of the car full of FBI Agents that is right in front of the President's limo, causing said car to stop and also causing the limo and all following vehicles to stop behind it. * SelfImposedChallenge - Killing the President-if not replicating the specific shots-is depressingly easy, so why not go for something more interesting? LetsPlay/FreelanceAstronauts played HORSE with the game, aiming for trick shots like ] and ] * SnipingMission - The entirety of the game.